Whether you're an educational institute like Syracuse University or a health organization like Nebraska Medicine, cybercriminals will try anything to get your sensitive data.

In this case of Syracuse University, a cybercriminal hacked into an employee's email. It is unclear whether sensitive student data such as social security numbers have been stolen. However, students and faculty should be on guard for identity theft and phishing scams.

Nebraska Medicine fell victim to malware. This malware allowed criminals to gain access to the organization's network, leading to system interruption and the potential theft of patient records. Like Syracuse University, this means that anyone who has done business with Nebraska Medicine needs to be on high alert for identity theft and phishing scams.

Both of these breaches may have been prevented if proper IT security measures and training had been executed. For example, ET&T can scour the dark web to ensure that emails and credentials haven't been compromised. We can also set up protection against malware, and train employees not to fall victim to phishing scams or other dangerous lurking in their digital environment.